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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

TFG Auction of the Week

This has to be one of my all time favorites from Kelly of Tinkerbell's Treasures on etsy.


This necklace and bracelet set is fabulous and features little ladies from around the world. The set features a Spanish Dancer, USA Lady Liberty, a Japanese girl wearing her kimono, and a Moroccan dancer.

Kelly used a bright assortment of glass beads and metal ball spacers. The little bead of the World on the extender is adorable!!

The set is so bright and colorful! It is perfect for a Magical ride on It's a Small World or a fun day touring World Showcase at Epcot!

Click here to be taken to the listing!!


TFG is looking for a few New Members

If you are interested in joining our Design Family, click on the picture above to be taken to our ebay Group Page.